Solar Solutions From Atkore

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Solar solutions from Atkore, protecting tomorrow's investment from the ground up

Atkore offers the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of products, systems, solutions and services to optimize the performance, reliability and return on investment of any solar installation – from utility-grade power plants, commercial and industrial applications to residential rooftops and car ports with a proven track record in solar since the 1990s, global presence and expertise from solar systems to grid connection and integration to smart grids and microgrids, we are your expert partner.

Optimized Solutions. Maximize performance, reliability and return on investment

Proven Track Record. In solar systems integration since the 1990’s

Global Presence and Expertise. From solar systems to grid connection and integration

Solutions offered:-

Solar Array.

A collection of multiple solar panels that generate electricity as a system. Components include Armored & UV Metal, Metallic and Non-Metallic Liquid Tight & Fittings, Rooftop Supports and Metal Framing Channel Fittings & Accessories.

Utility Grid.

A grid-connected photovoltaic system, or grid-connected PV system, is an electricity generating solar PV power system that is connected to the utility grid. When conditions are right, the grid-connected PV system supplies the excess power, beyond consumption by the connected load, to the utility grid.


A fenced facility owned and operated by a utility that converts high voltages to low voltages or vice versa. Components include PVC Conduit & Fittings, Fiberglass Conduit & Fittings, HDPE Conduit, Barbed Tape-Coiled Products, Barbless Tape, Bollards – Non-rated, Signposts and Hardware


A fenced facility owned and operated by a utility that converts high voltages to low voltages or vice versa. Components include PVC Conduit & Fittings, Fiberglass Conduit & Fittings, HDPE Conduit, Barbed Tape-Coiled Products, Barbless Tape, Bollards – Non-rated, Signposts and Hardware