Have you heard about the alternative rooftop support system from Sikla?
Posted On: Friday 22nd May 2015 Back to Blog ListingSikla have identified some of the main challenges using secondary steel for large AHU and chiller supports, such as excessive waste by modification, long lead times for fabrication and galvanising, and heavy loads on an existing roof structure.
With the experience of over 40 years in developing innovative products for above ground industrial pipework installation, Sikla believe it’s possible to work in a way that’s more efficient and more productive for everyone involved. Introducing Framo...
What is Framo?
A versatile, multi functional support system that offers maximum flexibility using a compact range of off-the-shelf components for ease of installation.
What are the Key Benefits of Framo Rooftop Support Systems?
- All parts are reusable without wastage
- Strong but lightweight, cutting down the total tonnage of steel required for the project
- Our products are readily available from stock with a distribution network that offers quick lead times
- And there’s no need for hot works!
How is Framo secured?
When fastening to concrete and steel, Sikla's insulated foot plate is required. The insulated foot plate is an integrated footplate and permeable rubber compound mat to provide a solution for the support of building services, without the need for penetrative supports.
Discover Framo in this video from Sikla below:
Sikla products are not available for purchase through the website, however we are able to complete any orders by telephone - so for any enquiries or to order please give us a call on 0121 706 7777. If you would like to see more information on Sikla Click Here or contact our technical team for free support on technical@dpbuildingsystems.co.uk or 0121 706 7777