Pemsa launch Spiderband®, the new range of Wire Rope Supports.

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Pemsa launch Spiderband®, the new range of Wire Rope Supports.

The new suspension system has a quick and flexible fastening, and saves dramatically on installation time

Pemsa has launched spiderband®, a new range of wire supports based on a fast and flexible system that

allows the suspension of rejiband® and pemsaband® trays, as well as other items such as luminaires, tubes, air conditioning or signage.

The new spiderband® system has the following features and advantages:

Optimized design for quick and easy use.

Flexible system, with various support options for structures, beams, large openings, etc.

Simple to manage (small number of references).

Safety of material and workmanship on the site.

High loading capacity up to 120 kgs.

Fast and direct fixing of the rejiband® and pemsaband® trays via carabiner and suspension type connections.

UL, LLOYDS BRITISH and TUV Certification

Please contact our technical team for more information,