Flexicon Rail Infrastructure - Signalling Power Distribution Systems
Posted On: Tuesday 2nd July 2019 Back to Blog ListingRail Infrastructure - Signalling Power Distribution Systems
Realise the Benefits of using Flexible Conduit for SIN 119.
Safety and reliability of the Rail Infrastructure network is paramount. Network Rails ongoing challenge to achieve SIN 119 compliance has created the need for new solutions and techniques to remove potential dangers for the maintenance and management of 650V Signalling Power Distribution Systems in accordance with NR/L2/SIGELP/27410.
Flexible Conduit provides an ideal solution for new and existing equipment identified for upgrade and is fully compliant to NR/L2/SIGELP/27421 and NR/L2/SIGELP/27422 for use in Class II Based Signalling Power Distribution Systems.
Flexible Conduit Systems • Flexible Insulating Conduits with a dielectric withstand of 3.5kV in accordance with NR/L2/SIGELP/27421
Conduit Glands • Conduit Glands in accordance with NR/L2/SIGELP/27422
• True one piece
Accessories • Range of fixing accessories and mounting equipment for Flexible Conduits
Rail - Fire Performance.
“The reaction of products in the event of fire is critical when it comes to effective product specification.”
Highly Flame Retardant • To prevent a fire starting or limit its development if one does start Low Smoke • Emission in the event of a fire to enable persons to visibly see to escape Low Toxicity • In the event of a fire to ensure persons are not overcome by fumes or poisonous gases Halogen Free • Does not contain Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine or Iodine or produce highly toxic fumes and thick smoke.
Fire testing...
Our product development programme involves extensive testing to the latest Rail Industry Standards to ensure the safety of our products.
We have tested our products to EN 45545-2, compliant to HL3 and NFPA 130 and have Transport for London - S1085 APR certificates for a number of products as identified throughout this guide - look out for our easy to spot symbols
he level of fire performance required will be determined by the location and application, for example Underground applications will have higher fire performance requirements than for overground stations.