Unistrut Bottom Connection with Clamp Attachment
The most common strategy is a standard bottom chord connection, as shown below:
Connecting With Threaded Rod
To connect with threaded rod, you need a “split” or opening in the bottom chord. This is useful when you have interferences (often conduit or copper) running along the joist, and you cannot use the beam clamps. You can put strut on the top or bottom, and use threaded rod, a plate washer, etc. Threaded rod connection is illustrated in the next three images shown below:
Joist Wrap Connection Method
When you cannot attach to the bottom chord (e.g., a requirement of the engineer of record), you need to transfer the load to the top chord with a joist wrap technique shown in the images below:
As always, if you have additional questions about connecting Unistrut to bar joists, or have suggestions for future Tech Talk tips, feel free to get in contact or give us a call on 0121 706 7777. Have a look at our full online Unistrut offering here or contact our Unistrut Technical Team for free advice on 0121 706 7777 or unisturt@dpbuildingsystems.co.uk