Why Cable Management is so important for Data Centres
Posted On: Friday 13th February 2015 Back to Blog ListingData centre management
Cable management solutions for data centres serve many purposes in working towards the overall efficiency of the I.T systems. There is always a central focus on the positioning of the equipment with regards to the airflow management to make sure that all of the equipment is kept at the optimum temperature. Additionally, protecting the equipment from any damage or external factors within the clean rooms is also of pivotal importance.
Our technical team has over 50 years experience in supplying data centres with cable management solutions. Basket tray is used to support cables and wiring as the open base allows for more exposure and provides extra ventilation for the equipment and can help to reduce bypass airflow. The baskets can be cut and clipped and do not require fittings, which limits the amount of external products needed within the clean rooms, further sustaining the optimum environment. With the innovative nature of the I.T systems the basket tray solution provides greater ease for any necessary future movement and is also designed so that it evenly distributes the weight, preventing damage due to increased stress on certain areas of the tray.
A recent addition to the basket tray family is the Pemsa black C8 basket that has an organic mineral coating for aggressive environments. This product avoids the emergence of zinc whiskers as well as loosening zinc filaments which can impact negatively on the equipment in some of the data centres clean rooms. These basket trays have high corrosion resistance and achieved over 850 hours in the neutral salt spray tests as well as demonstrating an increased capacity for self-repairing or self-healing of the protective layer. The aesthetic value of this product is clear, with the black finish, yet the whisker free baskets also have no irregularities, sharp edges or ends and can be bent without causing any damage to the finish.
The electrical continuity of the product complies with the requirements of BS EN 61537 and in case of a fault the electrical currents are evacuated to the earth. The Pemsa Rejiband C8 basket is an ideal solution for cable management in data centre clean rooms. Image of new black C8 organic mineral basket tray.
Our technical team at DP Building Systems can advise, supply and install the correct cable management solution for your data centre including wire cable basket tray and cable tray and anything else that is required.
If you would like more information, please contact our technical team for free support on technical@dpbuildingsystems.co.uk or 0121 706 7777